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Thursday, January 11, 2001

Cardinal's Letter for Vocations

January 11, 2001

Last Friday I was able to get together with the seminarians of the Archdiocese at my Residence in the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center. Except for the ones who are studying in Rome, almost all of them were able to be present on short notice. I was happy for the opportunity to visit with each of them informally and then to sit together with them as a group and talk about their future ministry. This time they were able to be accomodated in the large sitting room in the apartment, but I am praying that we will not ve able to do this in future years because their number will grow so much! I must count on [the priests] in a very special way to work for vocations to the priesthood and religious life so that the future of this great Archdiocese will always have the hands and hearts we need to care for the people.

Taken from Parish Nativity Scene Posted by Hello

During my brief talk with the seminarians I reflected on the important role which they play in encouraging vocations. Yet [the] priests play an even more crucial role. I know that [the clergy] have done so much in the past to encourage priestly vocations by [their] prayers, by [their] priestly example and by challenging likely candidates to consider the possibility of a priestly vocation. [Priests] can also foster vocations by raising the awareness of our people to the very serious problem of the shortage of priests and by enlisting their help both in praying and working for vocations. I do not think that I have ever given a talk in my years as an Ordinary without mentioning the question of vocations and trying to raise the consciousness of our people.

This brings me to the heart of this letter. When I was Archbishop in my former Diocese, I mandated an intercession for priestly and religious vocations in the Prayer of the Faithful at every Mass celebrated within the four counties of that area. Perhaps this was helpful in reminding both our priests and our people of the need and this may have been one factor in increasing our numbers of seminarians. I truly believe that this can be an important step as we move to put as much emphasis as possible on this very vital need for the years ahead.

Therefore I would like to mandate that in the Prayer of the Faithful at every Mass to be celebrated within the Archdiocese of Washington we include a brief intercession for priestly and religious vocations. I have no doubt that our Lord in His great generosity will listen to the prayers for vocations coming from every parish in this great Archdiocese. I know that He will send us many dedicated priests and religious sisters and brothers who will be able to bring the Lord Jesus to our people and to foster the many ministries in which they are engaged.

To assist you all in carrying out this request, I will make sure that sample petitions are sent to you from time to time. During my visits to the parishes of the Archdiocese, you can be sure that I will speak about and pray for vocations. I would also be pleased to meet any of the young people who you feel may have a calling to a priestly or religious vocation.

Fraternally yours in Christ,
+ Most Reverend Theodore E. McCarrick
Archbishop of Washington


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