Church of the Holy Spirit - 1717 Ritchie Rd, Forestville, MD 20747 / 301-336-3707 / / AN UNOFFICIAL "PERSONAL" BLOG

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Where is Holy Spirit Church?

Holy Spirit may be a quiet church on a hill, but we do not hesitate to announce our presence and to proclaim the Gospel. While most in Forestville and District Heights might be familiar with us, we are concerned that fellow Catholics and other interested Christians in Summerfield, Capital Heights, Landover, and Upper Marlboro might be unaware.

HS Parish Map Posted by Hello

DIRECTIONS are easy! From the Summerfield entrance, cross Central Avenue, go onto Ritchie Road and proceed 2 miles whereupon you reach the entrance to the CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT on the right. There is a parking area at the end of the driveway, next to the Church. For those coming from the other direction, just remember that Forestville Road becomes Ritchie. We have a sign on the left with three large crosses next to it. There is also a bus stop. Also visible from the road is a beautiful grotto of Christ on his Cross.

What's Going On at Holy Spirit Church?


The children of faithful parishioners get in-parish rates at a number of the neighboring Catholic schools, like Mount Calvary. Our School of Religion program offers religion classes and sacramental preparation on Sunday mornings. Bible Study is offered periodically by our deacon; a Religious Book Club meets monthly; and we have an active fundraising group that plans many great activities like dinners, flea markets, and bazaars. Children volunteer as altar servers and we have a youth group. The Forestville Leisure Club (Seniors) meets here on Mondays and the AA on Friday evenings. The parish secretary plans various parish trips and is always ready to greet a new face.

Pamphlets and brochures on Catholicism are available for the asking and bibles and rosaries are available for a modest cost.

Pastor's Welcome

Alas, I Am Reduced to a Cartoon! Posted by Hello

Please know that you are always welcome at The Church of the Holy Spirit. Established in 1966, we remain a small parish. Scenic grounds and trees complement the church and parish house. Our location is very much suburbia and yet only a few minutes drive from the remaining farms of Prince George’s County. You may even be lucky enough sometimes to see deer on the property. The congregation reflects many cultures, European stock, African-American, Hispanic and others. We are united in faith and one in the Lord. It must be admitted that ours is a mature congregation with many faithful grandparents and older Americans who fulfilled their duty to Church and Country in raising their families. Today, we are yearning for new blood to invigorate our community for a fresh start. You will find the parishioners to be kind-hearted and faith-filled. If you are new to the area and/or looking for a church, consider making HOLY SPIRIT your parish home. We profess our Savior Jesus Christ in authentic worship and saving doctrine. We live out our faith in heart-felt prayer and charitable service. Christ established the Catholic Church almost 2,000 years ago, gave us priestly ministers with apostolic authority, and the seven sacraments of life. At the center of our discipleship, we have been entrusted with the EUCHARIST. Join us in making every effort to bring the Gospel to those who do not believe or who have fallen away from the practice of faith. COME to the SAFE HARBOR OF FAITH.

Peace be with you— Father Joe Jenkins