Church of the Holy Spirit - 1717 Ritchie Rd, Forestville, MD 20747 / 301-336-3707 / / AN UNOFFICIAL "PERSONAL" BLOG

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Family Religious Education

Dear Parish Friends,

This summer has been rather frustrating for many reasons: the sluggishness in getting structural repairs to the plant accomplished; the disappearance of many families during the summer (particularly from the CCD program); the loss of volunteers because of relocation and health concerns, etc. Putting together a functional religious education program for the fall has weighed heavy upon me.

Given the shortage of teachers and the small numbers of students, I toyed with the idea of combining our program to that of another parish. Unfortunately, the religious education at Mount Calvary, our closest neighbor, is on Sunday mornings, and I was unwilling to write off our few kids and their families to another parish, because assuredly, they would end up going to Sunday Mass there as well.

I have opted for a home-schooling alternative with monthly evaluations in the parish for all except the combined pre-k and kindergarten (during 10:30 AM Sunday Mass) and for the Confirmation class [7th and 8th grade] (at the usual Sunday morning class time).

Anyhow, here is our program for 2004-2005:


At or soon after registration, families pay for the catechetical books and receive particular parish materials and schedules for each child.

Parents, grandparents or guardians teach religion weekly at home using the prescribed texts and activity books.

Every month the parents meet in the church (at 9:15 AM before Sunday Mass) for a conference on a religious education topic and to deal with particular questions and concerns.

While parents meet in the church; the students gather with volunteer catechists in the Parish House who will review progress from activity books and offer short examinations on the material the students should know so far. Refreshments and fun activities may also be included.

The pastor and volunteer catechists will be available throughout the year, especially by phone and email, to help with immediate questions about course material.

The benefits to such a program are many. First, tardiness and absences plague us every year with some young people missing over half the classes. Home study would help insure that all material would be taught. Second, the parents, grandparents, or guardians would reaffirm and maybe even relearn their faith by helping the children. Third, where children alternate between spouses on weekends, they would now be able to learn their lessons without interruption. On the deficit side, such a program can only work if the adults at home are serious about their obligation in transmitting their faith to their children. Too often have I seen children come in late on Sunday for class and then have parents take them home without going to Sunday Mass. The Pope has made it very clear that parents have the primary responsibility of transmitting the Catholic Christian faith to their children. The pastor has the duty to insure that this formation is in conformity with the teachings of the Church passed down to us by Christ— without subtraction or corruption.

I would also like to return to the custom of dedicating the 10:30 AM Mass on the First Sunday of the month, to our young people. This would entail having them sit up front and in directing some homily elements to them. It might also be nice on such Sundays to have youth lectors, as well as the usual servers. Hopefully, we shall be able to get this off the ground.

If it is absolutely impossible for a family to teach religion at home, there is a classroom alternative for those who need it. About 17 minutes away in Upper Marlboro, is St. Mary’s and their program meets on Monday nights at the school. Mr. Charles Long, the D.R.E., is a friend of mine and he says that room will be made for any students I send him. However, it would be expected that the young people would still attend Mass and receive their sacraments at Holy Spirit.

The REGISTRATION and fee deadline is September 12.

Books will be picked up on a Sunday following (date to be announced).

Sessions for pre-k and kindergarten 9 (during 10:30 AM Mass) and classes for the combined 7th and 8th grade (from 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM) begin on Sunday, September 26.

Family Religious Education meeting dates are tentatively as follows: September 26, November 7, December 5, January 9, February 6, March 6, April 3, May 1, June 5.

If there are any concerns or problems, please do not hesitate to call me at the rectory (301-336-3707).

May God bless and keep you all,
Father Joseph Jenkins


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